Since I am one of the camera guys, I never really end up looking at the person we are interviewing. I see them from behind the screen. This provides an odd barrier to the heart of who that person is. It’s like the difference between talking to someone in person and watching a YouTube video of them talking. This had been my experience until our interview with Melanne Verveer, the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues.
You hear about people who can show/give you part of their soul through the camera, Ambassador Verveer is one of them. I believe that her conviction in what she is doing breaks throught the barrier of the camera and allows us to feel the power and emotion of her message.
I could feel Ambassador Verveer’s excitement when she started talking about the 1995 U.N. Fourth Conference on Women in Bejing. She referenced Hilary Clinton’s now famous speech in which she said, “If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.” Ambassador Verveer shared with us how it felt to participate in such a passionte and inspirational event. It was at this point in the interview that I started to tear up. I could feel the pure, overwhelming power that still resonated from this event. If any of you have the time, I highly recommend watching it. Ambassador Verveer is one of the quintessentially authentic people in the world.

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